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Tiger class


Man in the Black Font  response 


Remember- thesis statement to have title, author, key terms and a specific/ preview 

Lion:  How does Stephen King develop a symbol over the course of “The Man in the Black Suit?”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Snow Leopard – Explain why ‘The Devil’, if that is what it was, tells Gary his mother was dead in “The Man in the Black Suit.”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Cheetah: How does Stephen King develop a theme over the course of “The Man in the Black Suit?”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Sabertooth – How does Stephen King develop a motif over the course of “The Man in the Black Suit?”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Jaguar:  Explain how the tone is created in “The Man in the Black Suit.”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Puma:  Why does Stephen King structure the story in a flashback that 90-something Gary has in the retirement home rather than have it be told by 9 year old Gary?    How would the story told by 9 year old Gary differ?   Would the theme differ? ( this may be what you want to focus on, the theme) 

Bobcat” Explain why Stephen King chose first person narration for  “The Man in the Black Suit”  Use relevant and specific detail and evidence from the text to support your answer….

Lynx: In Stephen King’s “The Man in the black Suit,” explain the irony in Gary saying out of all of the Pslams he memorized for his youth fellowship, the only one he remembered was the 23rd Psalm ( need to read that Psalm to do this).

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